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Spirit Days

We're holding sprit days to celebrate our school theme for the 2023-2024 school year - “A Rainbow of Unity”! These spirit days will be held on the same day as our monthly Celebration of Learners (COL) assemblies. COL dates are subject to change- check our school calendar for the latest information! 

COL Date Theme for the Day
September 28

CES Spirit Day

Wear CES spirit gear and colors (green and yellow/gold)

October 31

Costume Day

School appropriate costumes, no masks please!

November 30

Camouflage Day

Wear camouflage head to toe!

December 22

Ugly Sweater Day

Holiday ugly sweater day contest! Winners will be announced at COL

January 31

Flannel Day

 Show up in flannel and keep the chill out!


February 23

Hat Day!

Wear a favorite hat or make a cool hat to wear!

March 28

Crazy Hair Day 

Gel it up!

April 30

Mismatch Day

How many "wrong" ways can you wear your clothes? Backwards, inside out, plaids and stripes?

May 31

Tie Dye Day

We are getting groovy!  Show off your tie dye.