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Town Meeting Day Results - 2022

Town Meeting Day Results - 2022

Results from Town Meeting Day - March 1, 2022. Results provided by the Cambridge Town Clerk.

Article Vote Total Result
Article 1) Shall the Cambridge Town School District pay its School Board Directors for the
year ensuing at a rate of $1,500 for each director and $1,800 for the chair?
487-111 PASSED

Article 2) To elect a School Board Director for the Cambridge Elementary School, for a term of three (3) years.

  Mark Stebbins
Article 3) To elect a School Board Director for the Cambridge Elementary School, for a term of two (2) years.   Heather Hobart
Article 4) To elect a School Board Director for the Lamoille North Modified Unified Union School District, for a term of three (3) years.   Laura Miller
Article 5) Shall the voters of Cambridge Town School District authorize the Board of School Directors for the Cambridge Elementary School to hold the audited fund balance as of June 30, 2021, in the amount of $122,408, to be expended under the control and direction of the Board of School Directors for the purpose of future unfunded student focused pandemic recovery efforts? 458-135 PASSED
Article 6) Shall the Cambridge Town School District approve the proposed budget for the twelve months, ending June 30, 2023, in the amount of $6,351,467, which is the amount determined to be necessary for the ensuing year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $18,593 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 8.86% higher than spending for the current year. 353-244 PASSED


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