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Job Openings at CES

Job Openings at CES

Dear CES Families,

I hope that you are all enjoying your summer while also looking forward to the start of school!  We can't wait to see our students again!  As a reminder, school resumes at CES on August 29 for students in grades 1-6.  More information will be sent home next week regarding drop off and pick up procedures, first Thursday plans, and other important information.

In the meantime, CES continues to have vacancies to fill.  Please spread the word!

See you soon!

Mary Anderson

CES is currently looking to hire two K-6 Special Education Instructional Assistants and an After School Intensive Needs Specialist.  More information about these positions can be found in the links below.

Additionally, we are always looking for individuals who are interested in substitute teaching- no teaching license required!

Interested applicants can apply via school spring OR complete an application found in the last link and return it to the CES main office.  

Please feel free to each out with any questions!

Instructional Assistant

After Hours Intensive Needs Specialist

CES Job Application

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