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Good Citizen Challenge - Cambridge Afterschool

Good Citizen Challenge - Cambridge Afterschool

Hello community!

CES Afterschool students completed 13 challenges in

They are eligible to raffle prizes for themselves and the local non-profit and business community. They will also be placed in a drawing to win a trip to Washington D.C. and visit the VT Statehouse this month.

Please consider sharing a social media or front porch forum post to support these wonderful students in their quest to be good citizens.

Mention Good Citizen Challenge in your post and add the link above. It has be completed by September 2nd!

You can also help by writing a comment on your favorite business page and highlight the link above as well.

Thanks as always for your help and support in fun in learning education and community mindedness.

In gratitude,

Deb, Lee, and the students of the Cambridge Afterschool Program

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