What Do Parents and Teachers Say About the Cambridge After School Program?
"The 21st Century Cambridge Connections Program enriches the minds, bodies and spirits of my students. The excitement of my students is contagious when the school bell rings and they head off to their enrichment activities. Students have shared enthusiastically about their participation in book clubs, robotic courses, craft making, cooking classes and much more. Furthermore, as their teacher, I appreciate the homework club component. I am able to work with the Cambridge Connections staff to ensure my students are successful in completing their work. We work as a team to set up students for success! This very robust after-school program helps shape the positive school culture here at CES." -Faith Horton, 4th grade teacher
"I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences that the Cambridge Connections program has provided my daughter. She not only benefits from experiencing new things, but the programs allow her to pursue interest as she continues to grow and develop her sense of self. The Cambridge Connections program is essential as it helps build self-confidence, social skills, and allows our children to continue to build strong and supportive relationships. As a result, a stronger community is built." -Heather Jones, Parent
"Cambridge Connections makes a tremendous difference in our community. As a teacher at Cambridge Elementary School, I witness the good work of this school-based program regularly and know firsthand how it extends academic learning; provides creative and enriching classes that students might otherwise not have access to; keeps kids engaged, happy and safe; and benefits working families. I love watching how the program brings together community members into our school and gets them actively involved in helping kids learn and grow." -Ellen Koier, teacher
"The CES enrichment programing encourages working in teams with different age groups. Younger students learn from older peers as well as their instructors. Working together gives the students a strong sense of community that carries over into all aspects of their CES school life." – Sue Reed, school nurse
"I am thankful to have the Cambridge Connections program at Cambridge Elementary School for many reasons. It is extremely convenient, being that the enrichment classes are held at the school. As a parent of three children, it makes for very efficient after-school activity planning. It is also very affordable, which makes it a reasonable endeavor to provide this opportunity for my kids. Each session offers classes that are interesting and taught be people who have a lot to offer. I like that my kids get to interact with and learn from adults who are new to them.
I have always been pleased with the quality of what my kids take away from the classes. Whether it’s building with Legos, writing computer code, or working with robots, my kids come home inspired and excited. They have learned to look at the familiar in a new light. They have had the opportunity to work with programs and materials they would not have been exposed to otherwise. The Cambridge Connections program also allows kids the opportunity to socialize, work with, and get to know their peers in a setting that is outside of the standard school routine. I am also very impressed with the efficient way the program is run. All of the logistical details are clearly explained. It is of benefit to many families who utilize the program that there is flexibility in pickup times. The program even offers a homework club for kids who need to stay later.
Cambridge Connections is an invaluable program for all of the families in this area. I look forward to each session’s new offerings; the only problem is narrowing down the choices so the sessions fit into my kids’ schedules. My daughter will be in first grade next year and will be thrilled to choose classes to take like her older brothers do. I have and will continue to utilize this excellent community resource." -Kem Ziegerhofer, Parent
What Do Students Say About Cambridge Connections?
Students’ names and grades have been left out for confidentiality purposes.
"I am thankful for Homework Club because I can’t get my homework done at my house."
"I like all the different choices in the sessions."
"I like Cambridge Connections because of the Pokemon class. I love Pokemon!"
"I am glad for recess because I don’t have enough room to run around at home outside."
"I like all the awesome things you can do."
"I like all the fun stuff we get to do. This program is really fun!"
"I like Cambridge Connections because it gives me something fun to do after school."
"It makes it so I don’t watch TV after school."
"It makes me finish my homework on time."